Saturday, 10 March 2012

Tuesday 5th March 21012 Day 6 Mt Magnet to Geraldton WA

Mt Magnet to Geraldton WA which was another slow day with heat and this time hills to heat up the old engine. Driving out of Mulwalla we actually overtook a road train on an uphill overtaking lane and not long after it had caught us again and overtook us again except this time he had his 2 buddies with him, 3 road trains overtaking us at once scary 53 plus metres long each.

These guys were huge

Also along the way the road parallels a disused railway with chimney and a platform as standing reminders of a bygone era.

Remains of the Mulwalla to Cue railway stations note the front steps in the foreground.
The eagle was standing on the side of the road and at the last minute it decided to take off in front of us 

We made it to Geraldton to find the temperature was 40c (considering we have no air conditioning we knew it was hot) We spent time shopping for water and eventually set up the tent for the night at the local Caravan Park just out of the main shopping precinct.

At night we decide to take the scenic drive of Geraldton deciding to move on in the morning, at least the night was cool.

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