Monday, 19 March 2012

Thursday 15th March 2012 Day 14 Broome WA

Set off to look around Broome, the day was overcast with several heavy showers. Hot and sticky, absolutely! Visited the information Centre and inspected a Pearl shop which was selling local pearls. Can't say if we brought any though.

Later on we decided to source out a 12 volt shop to get a longer 12 volt extension cord and we actually brought a 12 volt fan  for the Kombi which can be manipulated in several positions, it was quite expensive but it was worth it.

We visited Cable Beach and walked along watching several surfers doing a pretty good job! A nice beach but I have seen better. Returning to the Caravan Park we decided that we should leave tomorrow as the Tropical Cyclone Lau was about hit and Broome would go on some level of Alert. As we were packing this chap, Martijn came over to ask what we were up to as they were also worried about the cyclone. Martijn and his Mother, Marika were travelling around in a Toyota Hi-Ace camper. We spoke about heading to Fitzroy Crossing or Halls Creek.

Surfers on Cable Beach Broome

For tea that night we checked out a local Fish and Chip shop that Martijn had recommended for some Barra and chips. Yum in a word. Off to bed for an early start to beat the cyclone.

Cable Beach Broome
One of the locals at the caravan park in Broome

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