Leaving Port Augusta for home I write this last note with sadness as we
have had such an experience.
Driving the Kombi slowly, needing to stop regularly, stinking hot at
times all made the trip interesting it gave us a chance to really see the
sights rather than passing flashes at 110kph. We’ve struggled through 46C temps, Cyclones forming, flooded
creek/river crossings, 90% humidity and some beautiful weather at the most
unlikely places such as The Nullabor Plain, Alice Spring and Uluru have all
added to the experience that neither of us will forget.
Next year Boris the Kombi will definitely be called upon to take us
around the east coast of Australia. Stay tuned for 2013 The Wirth’s in their 74
Kombi will continue.
Bev and Darren Wirth
March 2012